Extrutec in the Media

Not All Plastics Are Bad
Published by Newsroom (.co.nz), 15 Nov 2021
In this article, John Verbeek (director of the Centre of Plastic Excellence at Auckland University) highlights some NZ based examples of the work being done around using plastic in an environmentally responsible way. We are very pleased for Extrutec to get a mention for Earth Twine, our compostable growers twine and crop support products.

Inspiring Business Innovation
The Weekend Lifestyler, 9 July 2021
“It is exciting to be involved with Northland’s Regional Economic Development Agency, with Northland Inc, sponsoring the Innovate Northland category awards,” says Northland Inc’s Business Innovation Growth team leader, Sophie Wiltshier.

Grower 2 Grower website, 9 Dec 2020
Two years ago this month, Extrutec won the Northland Inc innovation award for creating EarthTwine, a compostable growers’ twine. Receiving the award was the confirmation we needed that compostable twine has a legitimate place in the market. The response we received from growers as we started introducing it to the market, confirmed that there was not only a demand for the product but also…

Compostable Twine Breaks New Ground
Waterford Press website, Oct 2020
Northland-based Extrutec is clear its future is in eco products. The plastic extrusion company has just released Earthtwine to the market, after several years of field trials and small product releases. The compostable twine is made from bio-based materials and used for tying crops such as tomatoes, peppers, hops and kiwifruit.

EARTHTWINE™ Reduces Plastic in Greenhouses
Northern Advocate, June 2019
Extrutec won the Northland Inc Innovate Northland award in 2018 for a new compostable twine – EARTHTWINE™.

Northland Lifestyle a Big Plus
NZ Manufacturer, June 2019
Reflecting on his move out of Auckland, Extrutec owner Joe Wiid says, “The property market there is just not affordable for a smaller business, or one that want to grow. Marsden Point is a great location for us…”

Compostable Twine for Greenhouse Growers
Grower 2 Grower website, Dec 2018
The Exttrutec factory is based at Marsden Port in Northland. Joe and Theunie Wiid made the move from Auckland three years ago looking for more space to expand production capacity. Before moving to NZ in 2002, Joe worked in the plastic industry so starting a business…

Northland Busness Award Winners
Northern Advocate, Oct 2018
Northland’s business community came together to recognise the best at the 2018 Westpac Northland Business Excellence Awards at Forum North on Friday. Businesses from throughout Northland submitted 46 unique entries across five business categories, seven ancillary categories and an overall supreme winner.

We Relocate to Marsden Point
Bream Bay News, 27 Apr 2017
There is a big new warehouse down near the port. It has the name Extrutec emblazoned on it and inside it houses machinery to manufacture nylon lines for use as medical filaments or in weedeaters, fencing, packaging and for the fishing industry.